My personal Coat-of-arms


"Men of genius do not excel in any profession because they labor in it, but they labor in it because they excel. - William Hazlitt" -Admin

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"Duane told his lawyer, "My neighbor won't pay me the $500 he owes me. What do I do?" "Do you have any proof that you loaned him the money?" asked the lawyer. "Nope," Duane replied. "Okay, then write him a letter asking him for the $1,000 he owes you," said the lawyer. "No, it was only $500," Duane insisted. "Precisely. That's what he'll say and then we'll have the proof we need to nail the bastard!"" -admin

"Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. The Italian Customs agent stops them and tells them: - "It'sa illegala to putta 5 people in a Quattro." - "Vot do you mean it'z illegal?" asks the German driver. - "Quattro meansa four" replies the Italian official. - "Qvattro is just ze name of ze automobile", the Germans retort unbelievingly. "Look at ze papers: zis car is designt to kerry 5 persons." - "You can'ta pulla thata one on me!", replies the Italian customs agent. "Quattro meansa four. You hava fivea people ina your car and you are thereforea breaking the law." The German driver replies angrily, "You idiot! Call your zupervisor over, I vant to speak to somevone vA-z more intelligence!" - "Sorry", responds the Italian official, "he can'ta come. He'sa busy with a 2 guys in a Fiat Uno." -admin

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