Black Hellebore

Črni teloh

The rootstock of the hellebore has the black colour and for this reason it is named black. The leaves are leatherlike and evergreen; the stem of the flower has only one blossom. The seeds are of black glittering colour. On the sunny sides and on occasion of the warm weather it blossoms even in the late autumn ( I have already found the blossoms in December ). Normally the time of blossoming is already over when the other flowers just begin to wake up. In the higher places it is blossoming till the month of May. The hellebore likes the pine or beech forest and the limy soil.We can found him especially in the Alps. The flower is toxic but is suitable for making nice bunches.

Korenika teloha je črne barve in po njej izvira ime. Listi so usnjati in zimzeleni, cvetni peclji pa nosijo po en cvet. Semena so bleščeče črne barve. V prisojnih legah in ob toplem vremenu cveti celo v pozni jeseni ( našel sem ga že meseca decembra ). Običajno odcveti že tedaj, ko se ostale rastline šele prebujajo. V višjih legah cveti pozneje vse tja do maja. Uspeva na apnenčastih tleh in je predvsem razširjen v Alpah. Ustreza mu bukov, smrekov ali borov gozd. Rastlina je strupena, vendar so šopki njihovega cvetja zelo lepi.