Sava river

Reka Sava

Source of Sava Dolinka - Izvir Save dolinke. Zelenci

The river Sava is the longest slovenian river and it has two sources; the first one is at Zelenci as Sava Dolinka and another is Sava Bohinjka /Lake of Bohinj/. From the source of Sava Dolinka till the national border with Croatia its length is 219 kms.
Sava Dolinka springs out at the foothills of the Julian Alps on one side and Karavanke on other side.All the beauty of this spring extends over the marsh named Zelenci with the numerous little lakes with characteristic green colour and clear water. The water is pouring out of the bottom like as little geysirs.
The second afflux of Sava is named Sava Bohinjka. Its source is magnificent waterfall Savica which after some hundred meters flows into the Lake of Bohinj. From there it proceeds its course as Sava Bohinjka and finally pours out to Sava near the town Radovljica. From here the river gets his unique name Sava and finishes his course at Belgrade pouring into the Danube.

Reka Sava je najdaljša slovenska reka in ima dva izvira; izvir Save Dolinke v Zelencih in drugi kot Sava Bohinjka /Bohinjsko jezero/. Od izvira Save Dolinke v Zelencih pri Podkorenu do meje s Hrvaško meri 219 kilometrov.
Sava Dolinka izvira ob vznožju Julijskih Alp na eni strani in Karavank na drugi. Vsa lepota tega izvira se razteza na močvirnati ravnici imenovani Zelenci s številnimi jezerci z značilno zeleno barvo in bistro vodo. Voda v teh jezercih dobesedno vre iz tal kot mali vrelci, ki pri tem vrtinčijo drobni pesek.
Savin drugi pritok je Sava Bohinjka. Izvira kot mogočni slap Savica, ki se kmalu izliva v Bohinjsko jezero in nato nadaljuje svoj tok kot Sava Bohinjka. Oba rečna kraka se združita pri Radovljici. Reka dobi enotno ime Sava, njen tek pa se konča v Donavi pri Beogradu.