Welcome to Stane Calendar

This calendar is best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution or higher.

To just view the calendar of events, press the "Public Access" button!

To generate a new account, so you can post events to the calendar, press the Registration button, and fill in the appropriate information. This will create a new account with the default security level of User upon authorization of Administrator. Once you have registered, you will be able to post events to the calendar.


Uporabo tega koledarja priporočam z resolucijo 800 x 600 ali večjo.

Za dostop do vpisanih dogodkov v koledar pritisnite "Public Access" gumb!

Za registracijo pritisnite gumb Registration button in vpišite ustrezne podatke. V koledar boste lahko vpisovali lastne dogodke šele po odobritvi Administratorja.